A concept water bottle inspired by the vacuole – a bionic water holding cell
Studying Bionic structures
Water is essential to life. Past cultures would utilise animal bladders to collect precious water whenever they had the opportunity. Today however water is available anywhere you can find a tap. By 2020 it's estimated 50% of the world will have water shortages making water containers an interesting topic of study. This is a semantic and structural study of water containers with the view to challenge our perception of carrying water.
The concept for the Hydrophille is taken from a plant cell. By enlarging specimen slides I was able to study the unique structures of biological structures. Unique to plant cells it is the vacuole which allows the cell to store water. If the cell is hydrated it swells, if not the cell shrinks thus supporting the plant and acting as a decentralised reservoir for the whole plant.
This same principle was true of the Hydrophille bottle. You can see and feel how much water is left. The water bottle expands and contracts according to its content and by undoing saves space by moulding to its surroundings. The Hydrophille retains the water pressure with the aid of a valve in the mouth piece. By squeezing the neck, the pressure is released allowing the water to move in or out.
To fill up the Hydrophille fit the mouthpiece to the tap nozzle and squeeze the neck of the water bottle to open the valve. Turn on the tap and watch the bottle inflate. Once you have enough water for the day turn off the tap and remove the bottle. The valve will automatically close. To drink simply place your mouth over the mouth piece and squeeze the neck of the bottle again. The pressure retained within the bottle will force water through the mouth piece.
Making & testing
“By squeezing the neck of the bottle to drink, the pressure releases the water – affording effortless drinking.”
“The just like a vacuole size of the water bottle visualizes the amount contained, and moulds organically into the space available.”